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Cabin rentals available if not occuppied by an American Veteran..
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    I built this place from the ground up for a place that our Veterans could call home. Even with the struggles from the bank to the local campgrounds who didn't support our veterans dreams of having a place to call home I pushed forward to do what was right for our veterans. I woke up right out of a dream that a solder was coming home and got off at the right bus station and it looked like a place he had been but it didn't look like the home he left 8 years ago. With one leg missing and no family or anyone one to great him he felt like he was ALMOST HOME. So when anyone says our heart was never in it for the veterans I will say its always been about the veterans. 
    Now I wish I had the funding to make a bigger place for more veterans to call home. The devil works on our plans everyday to destroy our dreams. But my God says don't give up and always look up when you need his support. We do what we can to make this a home for so many but I never feel I've ever done enough. Our country is a mess with toxic people running our government and communities. I just pray my little part makes a difference everyday.

God Bless our troops and American people,
Big Jim